Homemade Sauerkraut: Simple Pickled Cabbage Recipe

November 19, 2024

Homemade Sauerkraut: Simple Pickled Cabbage Recipe
Ingredients:✓ Fresh cabbage heads (4-6 heads, or as desired)✓ Salt (preferably Himalayan salt, but sea salt or table salt can also be used)✓ WaterPreparation:1. Preparing the cabbage heads: Carefully cut out the core of each cabbage head using a knife. Hold the knife away from your hand to avoid injury. Cut the core in a circle and hollow it out to a depth of about 4 cm. Remove any damaged outer leaves until the cabbage looks healthy and fresh. Repeat this process for all the cabbage heads.
2. Filling with salt: Fill the hollowed parts of the cabbage heads with salt. Use approximately 30 grams of salt per liter of water. Place the salted cabbage heads in a large container or barrel with a lid. Gently press the cabbage down to ensure it is firmly placed and to prevent it from floating when water is added.
3. Adding water: Slowly pour water down the side of the container to avoid washing out the salt from the cabbage heads. The water should cover the cabbage by about 4 cm above the topmost head.
4. Keeping the cabbage submerged: Cover the cabbage with a flat item such as a wooden board or a plate to keep it submerged. Place a heavy object on top (e.g., a bowl filled with water, a stone, or another heavy item) to press the cabbage down.
5. Fermentation: Leave the cabbage at room temperature for 15 to 20 days, depending on the room temperature. During this period, check occasionally to make sure the cabbage remains submerged and add more water if necessary.
6. Preparing for use: When the cabbage is ready, loosen the larger leaves with your thumbs. Save the larger leaves for dishes like stuffed cabbage rolls, removing the central vein. Roll the larger leaves tightly and place them in glass jars, pouring the water from the barrel over them. Seal the jars and store them in the refrigerator.
7. Using the remaining cabbage: Cut the remaining cabbage into pieces for salads or dishes like baked cabbage. Fill the jars with chopped cabbage with the water from the barrel and seal them.Tip: Pickled cabbage can be used in various recipes, such as stuffed cabbage rolls, baked cabbage, sauerkraut salad, and many other specialties.Enjoy!

#PickledCabbage #Sauerkraut #FermentedCabbage #ProbioticFoods #HealthyEating #CabbageRecipe #FermentedFoods #CabbagePreservation #SauerkrautBenefits #PickledVegetables